Nursing benefit for farmers from 2024

A new era of support for farmers – a new article on our blog for the food and agriculture industry – The Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy has announced significant changes to care benefits for our community. Starting January 1, 2024, we are taking a step forward in supporting farmers for whom caring for disabled family members poses special challenges.

Until now, in order to receive nursing benefits, a farmer had to give up work on the farm. This requirement posed a difficult choice between our passion and caring for loved ones. However, new regulations, effective from 2024, remove this barrier. Farmers, regardless of the size of their farm, no longer have to give up farm work to receive nursing benefits.

The new regulations are a step toward making life easier for farmers and other caregivers of disabled family members. The modifications to the nursing benefit system will help improve the quality of life for many families in Poland.

We encourage you to read the details on our blog for the food and agriculture industry. Read more:

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