Inheritances: Changes in inheritance law regarding rejection of inheritance by minors

Dear Readers,

on our legal blog has just appeared a new article “Changes in inheritance law regarding rejection of inheritance by minors” by attorney at law Angelika Marcinkowska, a member of our Team. The publication addresses the following issues:

🤝 New regulations (from November 15, 2023): The July 2023 law changes the rules for the rejection of inheritance by minors.

🤝 Changes before the date (until November 15, 2023): Minors needed court approval to reject inheritance.

🤝 New rules after November 15, 2023: Court approval is no longer needed unless the other parent has accepted the inheritance.

🤝 Joint parental consent: A child’s rejection of an inheritance requires the consent of both parents.

🤝 Changes in deadlines: Precise deadlines for declaring rejection of inheritance. Possibility to extend the deadline by application to the court.

🤝 Purpose of changes: Removal of unnecessary paperwork for obtaining court approval, shortening and simplifying procedures related to rejection of inheritance by minors.


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