Franc loans: CJEU helps francophiles again

We have published on our legal blog a recent article by Damian Nowicki, an experienced barrister from our Team. The article discusses an important ruling by the CJEU on September 21, 2023, in case C-139/22, which may significantly affect the situation of francophiles fighting against banks granting loans in Swiss francs.

The article explains that the CJEU confirms the right of consumers to detailed information from banks in the case of franking agreements, regardless of their knowledge or professional experience. In addition, the Court emphasizes that a contractual term deemed unfair cannot be judged legal simply because it is in accordance with a provision of a model contract.

We encourage you to read the entire publication on our website to learn all the details of the verdict and its impact on the situation of franking customers. Check:

If you need legal advice on franking credits, please contact us at, by phone: + 48 61 666 37 60 or by using the contact form:

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TSUE, kredyty frankowe, dyrektywa 93/13/EWG, umowa frankowa, ochrona konsumentów, klauzule niedozwolone, nieuczciwe postanowienia umowy