An article by attorney at law Katarzyna Turcza in the book "Philosophical and political-legal problems of modern societies".
Attorney at law Katarzyna Turcza, author of the article “Civil Liability of Artificial Intelligence in the Context of the Draft Directive of the European Parliament and the European Council of 28.09.2022”, is one of the authors of the publication “Political and Legal Problems of Modernity”. This monograph, developed in the scientific cooperation of scholars from Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine and Russia, provides an interdisciplinary overview of important problems of modern society.
📚 Consisting of 19 articles, the book presents research and analysis on current philosophical, political, legal and social issues. The authors address the challenges of dynamic changes in the political, economic and social environment, offering up-to-date interpretations of these phenomena. The publication aims to provide an in-depth analysis and interpretation of contemporary social processes in areas such as philosophy, political science, law, sociology, security and management. The works contained in the monograph are an important contribution to the discussion of contemporary social challenges.

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