Agricultural law: NIK report on grain imports from Ukraine

We invite you to read the latest report from the NIK report on

The report underscores that the government’s actions in response to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine in February 2022 were ad hoc and failed to prevent disruptions in grain and rapeseed prices and purchases on the domestic agricultural market. Imports from Ukraine increased by 16,800% in 2022, reaching more than half a million tons, a significant jump from just over 3,000 tons in 2021, especially for wheat.

Measures introduced by the government, such as an embargo on imports of Ukrainian agricultural products, have been criticized for delay and lack of a comprehensive approach to the problem. The vice president of the Polish Grain Crop Producers Association, Marcin Gryn, stresses the need for clearly written measures, including setting trade terms with Ukraine and expanding export channels.

Check out the full news and recommendations on our food and agriculture blog:🌾🔍

Raport, NIK, import, zboże, Ukraina, Prezes, Marian Banaś, kontrola, organy państwa, rolnictwo, rzepak, agresja Rosji, rząd, systemowe rozwiązania, stabilność rynku rolnego, producenci rolni, embargo, import ukraińskich produktów rolnych, import wzrost, podmioty gospodarcze, Ministerstwo Rolnictwa, Ministerstwo Finansów, sytuacja rynku, bezpieczeństwo żywnościowe, Krajowa Administracja Skarbowa, legislacja, współpraca, opłacalność, cła, porty morskie, Henryk Kowalczyk, decyzje producentów, ceny, koszty produkcji, strategia, kryzysy rolnicze, polityka rolna, planowanie, analiza rynków

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