CJEU spokesman backed frankovichs in disputes with banks

We invite you to read an article on our legal blog, which discusses the current situation of francophiles in disputes with banks. The CJEU Ombudsman has issued an opinion in Case C-520/21 regarding the possibility of the parties to a loan agreement that is invalid due to unfair terms claiming other benefits, such as remuneration, compensation or reimbursement. This decision will be of great importance to franking customers.

The CJEU has an important influence on the outcome of franking cases, and the Ombudsman General’s opinion is crucial to each case. The situation of francophiles still requires attention, and information on Swiss franc loans is important to be aware of the changes in the law and their consequences. Decisions of courts and institutions are very important for people with Swiss franc loans. Read more:

Frankowicze, Spory z bankami, Rzecznik TSUE, Opinia Rzecznika Generalnego, Nieważność umowy kredytowej, Nieuczciwe warunki, Wynagrodzenie, Odszkodowanie, Zwrot kosztów, Decyzje TSUE