turczanieruchomosci.pl: Liquidation of perpetual usufruct

We have pleasure in announcing that an article prepared by Łukasz Kwaśnik, a member of our Law Firm’s team, entitled “Liquidation of perpetual usufruct” has appeared on our website turczanieruchomosci.pl.

The article discusses an amendment to the Law on Real Estate Management, which will allow entrepreneurs, cooperatives and housing communities to buy back land belonging to the State Treasury and local governments for ownership. The new legislation also provides for the buyout of developed land by perpetual usufructuaries who realized the purposes of use before January 1, 1998.

The publication also provides information on the rules of redemption and exceptions to the regulations. We invite you to read the contents. Read more: https://turczanieruchomosci.pl/2023/04/04/likwidacja-uzytkowania-wieczystego/.

Ważne zmiany, likwidacja użytkowania wieczystego, turczanieruchomosci.pl, ustawa o gospodarce nieruchomościami, wykup gruntów, przedsiębiorcy, spółdzielnie, wspólnoty mieszkaniowe, Skarb Państwa, samorządy, wykup gruntów zabudowanych, użytkownicy wieczyści, cele użytkowania, przepisy, wyjątki, blog nieruchomości