Consumer rights after the new: what has changed in 2023?

We invite you to read the latest article on our legal blog, in which we discuss the latest changes in consumer law, which are effective from 2023.

The publication contains a lot of practical information that may prove indispensable for entrepreneurs and consumers in their daily activities. These include the latest regulations on the right to withdraw from a contract, as well as about new requirements for complaints about goods and services. The article also presents changes in the area of producers’ liability and new obligations of entrepreneurs to consumers.

We assure you that reading this article will certainly be helpful for entrepreneurs and consumers who want to make sure that their business or purchases comply with the latest legal requirements. Read more:

Prawa konsumentów, zmiany w prawie konsumenckim, 2023 roku, przedsiębiorcy, konsumentowie, regulacje, prawo do odstąpienia od umowy, reklamacje, towarów i usług, odpowiedzialność producentów, obowiązki przedsiębiorców, wymagania prawne