Draft upcoming amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure

The forthcoming revision of the Code of Civil Procedure covers a wide range of changes. In today’s article, we focused primarily on the so-called bailiff’s deliveries, which caused a lot of controversy and changes in the enforcement proceedings conducted against the legal person.

👍 Changes should be assessed positively, as any idea facilitating creditors’ recovery deserves approval.

Full article by legal trainee Aleksandra Kubiak has appeared on our legal blog, biznesprawnik.pl, where we regularly publish the content prepared by our team: https://biznesprawnik.pl/2023/02/08/projekt-nadchodzacych-zmian-w-kodeksie-postepowania-cywilnego/.

Projekt, zmiany, kodeks postępowania cywilnego, nowelizacja, doręczenia komornicze, postępowanie egzekucyjne, osoba prawna, wierzyciele, odzyskiwanie należności, aprobatę, blog prawny, biznesprawnik.pl