What obligations can be imposed on an heir or legatee in a testamentary instruction?

We invite you to visit biznesprawnik.pl and read an article on testamentary dispositions, written by a member of our team, attorney Damian Nowicki.

Nowadays, a testator, in addition to establishing heirs or legatees, can also impose obligations on them through testamentary instructions. Such instructions often expand testamentary freedom and give the testator more opportunities to make changes to his will.

Want to know what obligations can be imposed on an heir or legatee in a testamentary instruction? What can be the subject of a testamentary instruction and to whom can it be imposed? If so, we encourage you to visit our site and read our article! Read more: https://biznesprawnik.pl/2023/02/07/jakie-obowiazki-mozna-nalozyc-na-spadkobierce-lub-zapisobierce-w-poleceniu-testamentowym/.

Obowiązki, spadkobierca, zapisobierca, polecenie testamentowe, testator, swoboda testowania, zmiany w testamencie, przedmiot polecenia testamentowego, nakładanie obowiązków, prawo spadkowe