Freight forwarding of bulky cargo - freight forwarder's liability and other things a transport entrepreneur should know

Bulky cargoes by their size many times exceed the standard dimensions of transport vehicles, so their transport requires the use of abnormal vehicles.

Every year the number of entrepreneurs engaged in the forwarding of the aforementioned goods increases. Since the forwarder has a special responsibility – and the transport of oversized goods is associated with many difficulties – the aforementioned entrepreneurs should make special preparations for the execution of orders in the aforementioned field.

The full article by legal trainee Angelika Marcinkowska appeared on our legal blog, where we regularly publish content prepared by our Team:

Spedycja ładunków wielkogabarytowych, rozmiary ładunków, pojazdy nienormatywne, przedsiębiorca transportowy, odpowiedzialność spedytora, trudności w transporcie, przygotowanie do realizacji zleceń, artykuł apl. radc. Angeliki Marcinkowskiej, blog prawniczy, link do artykułu