Who faces vehicle confiscation and who will pay the surcharge? The new regulations will go into effect later this year!

The legislature has decided to introduce legislation modeled on that of Western European countries. Starting in December 2023, drivers driving under the influence of alcohol will lose their vehicle if they have 1.5 per mille of the intoxicating substance in their blood. The car will also be lost for those who commit a repeat offense of driving while intoxicated and those who cause an accident in such a state.

When will an obligation to pay restitution arise instead of losing a car?

We have included these and other information in our latest article: https://biznesprawnik.pl/2023/01/05/komu-grozi-konfiskata-pojazdu-a-kto-zaplaci-nawiazke-nowe-przepisy-wejda-w-zycie-jeszcze-w-tym-roku/.

konfiskata pojazdu, nawiązka, przepisy, kierowcy, alkohol, promile, substancja odurzająca, recydywa, przestępstwo, nietrzeźwość, wypadek, obowiązek zapłaty, artykuł, biznesprawnik.pl