Legal Alert 12.09. - 19.09.2022
Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure on the conditions of distribution of blank registration certificates and temporary permits
As of September 4, 2022, the provisions of the Law of August 14, 2020 amending the Road Traffic Law (hereinafter: prd) and certain other laws, the so-called “deregulation package,” came into force. The amendments provide for the delegation and guidelines for the issuance of a regulation by the minister in charge of transportation under Article 76(1)(1)(b) of the aforementioned law, and abolish the obligation to have an inspection sticker on the vehicle.
Dz.U. z 2022 r. poz. 1789
Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure on registration and marking of vehicles, requirements for registration plates and templates of other documents related to vehicle registration
On September 4, 2022, the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure on the registration and marking of vehicles, requirements for license plates and templates of other documents related to vehicle registration came into force. The most important changes relate to, among other things:
– abolishing the obligation to issue a vehicle card and dropping the inspection sticker requirement,
– specifying the templates of the forms used in connection with the registration and temporary registration of vehicles, including the template of the application for registration, temporary registration, deregistration of the vehicle and the template of the decision on registration, temporary registration or deregistration of the vehicle, notification of the acquisition or disposal of the vehicle, as well as the template of the application for the issuance of: duplicate registration certificate, duplicate temporary permit, new registration certificate, duplicate registration plates (plate) and a new registration certificate and registration plates (plate) with a new registration number, as well as the template of an application for the issuance of an additional legalized registration plate to mark the trunk for a vehicle registered in the territory of the Republic of Poland and a certificate confirming the data contained in the lost registration certificate (amendment of the delegation of Art. 76(1)(1) of the Traffic Law).
The ordinance is both a continuation of the existing legal status of vehicle registration and marking, as well as introducing new solutions:
– the need to expand the registration capacity for reduced license plates, due to the reported depletion of registration capacity for these plates by some registration authorities;
– the introduction of reduced antique license plates and antique moped plates, as requested by the antique vehicle owner community;
– the need to maintain continuity in the process of vehicle registration and the conditions for the production of license plates, as well as regulations under the history of the Regulation on Vehicle Registration and Marking.
In addition, in the regulation:
– the possibility of placing requests for an additional license plate and for retaining the existing registration number on the back of the vehicle registration application has been dropped, in view of the inclusion of these issues in the models that are annexes to the regulation;
– the catalog of documents proving ownership has been amended, but it will continue to be an open catalog;
– abandoned the requirement to submit with the application for deregistration of a vehicle due to theft a certificate issued by the competent police authority confirming the report of vehicle theft or a decision to discontinue the investigation of vehicle theft issued by the competent authority, operating without a statutory requirement.
Dz.U. z 2022 r. poz. 1847
Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure on the amount of fees for issuing a registration certificate, temporary permit and legalized registration plates (plate) and their duplicates
The Ordinance of the Minister of Infrastructure which came into effect on September 4, 2022 on the amount of fees for issuing a registration certificate, temporary permit and legalized registration plates (plates) and their duplicates implements the authorization of Article 76 Section 1 item 2 of the Act of June 20, 1997. – Road Traffic Law (as amended by Article 1 item 16 of the Act of August 14, 2020 amending the Road Traffic Law and certain other acts (Journal of Laws, item 1517), the so-called “deregulation package”). The provisions of the regulation specify the amount of fees for issuing a registration certificate, temporary permit, license plates (plate) and duplicates. The change in the delegation of Article 76 (1) (2) of the Act of June 20, 1997. – Road Traffic Law, results in a change in fees. Thanks to the change in regulations, vehicle owners will save, when registering a passenger car, e.g. imported from abroad, 94.5 zlotys (vehicle card – 75 zlotys, control sticker – 18.5 zlotys, registration fee – 1 zlotys), and in the case of registering a vehicle previously registered in the territory of the Republic of Poland and without retaining the existing license plates – 19 zlotys (control sticker – 18.50 zlotys, registration fee – 0.50 zlotys). The cost of registering a passenger car in the above cases will be PLN 161.50 and the cost of registering a passenger car previously registered in the territory of the Republic of Poland without retaining the existing plates – PLN 180.5).
Dz.U. z 2022 r. poz. 1848
Regulation of the Minister of Digitization on the catalog of data collected in the central register of vehicles
On September 4, 2022, another draft came into effect as a consequence of the so-called “deregulation package for drivers.” The act repeals the scope of data on vehicle cards and inspection stickers and expands the catalog of technical data to include data necessary for monitoring and reporting to the European Commission on CO2 emissions.
Dz.U. z 2022 r. poz. 1851
Regulation of the Minister of Digitization on the registration fee constituting the revenue of the Fund – Central Register of Vehicles and Drivers
The Ordinance on the registration fee constituting revenue for the Fund – Central Register of Vehicles and Drivers implements changes introduced by the Act of October 14, 2021 amending the Act on Road Transport and certain other acts. This law made it mandatory to collect a registration fee for issuing a driver qualification card. The regulation also specifies: 1. the amount of the registration fee referred to, inter alia, in Articles 8(4) and (5), 75(2), 77(3) and (3a), 80t(2), 81b(3), 83(1) and 150(1) of the Law of June 20, 1997. – Road Traffic Law and the Law on Vehicle Drivers of January 5, 2011 (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 1212, as amended), as well as in Article 39g paragraph 9 item 2 of the Law of September 6, 2001. on road transport (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 180, as amended) or in Article 25 paragraph 1 item 2 of the Act of August 19, 2011 on transportation of dangerous goods (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 756, as amended. ) and the manner of its payment; the procedure and rules for collecting, recording, transferring and accounting for the registration fee by authorities and entities obliged to collect it; the template of the monthly report referred to in Article 80d, paragraph 3a, item 2 of the Law, containing the amounts of registration fees collected and transferred or paid to the account of the Fund – Central Register of Vehicles and Drivers.
The fee for issuing a driver qualification card was set at PLN 0.50. The same amount is currently charged for the issuance of a driver’s license. When determining the amount of the fee, account was also taken of the scope of data, which, as a result of the performance of this activity, will be transferred to the central register of vehicles, collected in this register and made available to authorized entities.
Dz.U. z 2022 r. poz. 1857

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