Compensation for delay in unloading international transport - when and how much?

The most common example of improper performance of a contract of carriage in the international transport of goods by road is delay in delivery (delayed delivery date), commonly referred to in the transportation industry as delay in unloading. In this article, we will outline how, according to the Convention on the Contract for the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) and the Protocol of Signature, drawn up in Geneva on May 19, 1956 (hereinafter: “CMR Convention”), the carrier’s liability in such a case looks like, and what conditions must be met for a claim to be asserted against the carrier on this account?

The full article appeared on our legal blog, where we regularly publish content prepared by our Team:

Międzynarodowy transport drogowy, Opóźnienie w dostawie w międzynarodowym transporcie drogowym, nienależyte wykonanie umowy przewozu, opóźnienie w rozładunku, Konwencja CMR, odpowiedzialność przewoźnika, warunki dochodzenia roszczenia, artykuł na blogu prawnym, link do artykułu