turczanieruchomosci.pl: Collective protection facilities in the Law on Civil Protection and Civil Defense

An article by attorney-at-law Ursula Makowka has appeared on the turczanieruchomosci.pl website, which discusses key changes in the regulations introduced by the Law on Civil Protection and Defense, effective January 1, 2025.

In the article you will find details on the new requirements for developers and investors involved in the construction of public buildings. According to the law, one of the tasks of civil protection is to provide shelter sites and protective structures in new developments, including multi-family buildings and public facilities.

The article explains how the changes will affect the design of underground floors, garages, as well as other technical aspects that will be required to obtain a building permit. Read the full article at turczanieruchomosci.pl – more: https://turczanieruchomosci.pl/2025/01/13/obiekty-zbiorowej-ochrony-w-ustawie-o-ochronie-ludnosci-i-obronie-cywilnej/.

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