AUTO MOTIVE Newsletter (02.27.2023)

We invite you to read the latest AUTO MOTIVE Newsletter, which brings a lot of important information for all those interested in motoring.

In today’s issue you will find interesting articles, including information about the fine for violation of the obligation to notify the purchase of a vehicle within the prescribed period. Also presented is a verdict of the Provincial Administrative Court in Poznan of November 25, 2022, which explains the possibility of waiving the imposition of a fine on this account. In addition, readers will learn when the tax obligation in the tax on means of transportation expires, as well as the conditions for exercising the right to an excise tax refund on an intra-Community supply. There is also no shortage of information on the warranty for physical defects of goods and the nature of the seller’s liability under the warranty.

We heartily recommend reading! Read more:

Motoryzacja, Newsletter, Karne pieniężne, Obowiązek zawiadomienia, Nabycie pojazdu, Wyrok, Wojewódzki Sąd Administracyjny, Odstąpienie, Obowiązek podatkowy, Podatek od środków transportowych, Zwrot akcyzy, Dostawa wewnątrzwspólnotowa, Rękojmia, Wady fizyczne, Odpowiedzialność sprzedawcy